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Why do you need a water filter more in winter



Why do you need a water filter more in winter

We've all been there in one way or another - winter dehydration. When the furnace turns on indoors for the season and the temperature outside drops, our bodies bear the brunt. Dry eyes, sinus inflammation, nosebleeds, dry and cracked skin, static shock effects: These are normal every winter, but they don't have to be. All of these problems are related to moisture (or lack thereof) in the air. Every winter when the air dries out, using a humidifier is one of our best ways to prevent winter dehydration. Using a humidifier will not only provide some relief from these winter worries, but it can actually make you less prone to getting viruses as well.
step 1. Keep your water intake up this winter to avoid winter dehydration.

While most of the drying effects of winter come from the outside world, it's still important to keep your body hydrated through adequate water intake. Of course, in the winter, this might come in the form of hot beverages like herbal teas, rather than iced water, but that's okay! You can feel comfortable drinking hot beverages all winter long, just make sure you're using fresh, clean water thanks to your water filter w10295370a and edr1rxd1 compatible.
Use a humidifier to protect your winter skin.

We all know the feeling. As the weather cools and the stove turns on, our skin starts to feel tight and our lips can get chapped. The dry oven air starts to dry out our skin, especially our hands if you wash them regularly. Is this just a typical winter struggle, or can something be done to combat it? A humidifier can help! Using a humidifier in your office or living room is a great way to give your skin a break from the constant drying effects of indoor heating and frigid outdoor temperatures.
Beat winter dehydration: Use a humidifier to soothe your sinuses.

Winter is a tough time for sinus problems, between the many viruses that are circulating and the dry indoor heating air. Use a humidifier whenever possible to give your sinuses a break. Whether you use it overnight while you sleep or during the day at your WFH desk, the added moisture in the air will soothe your sinusitis this winter. Remember to clean your humidifier and replace your humidifier filter regularly to keep your humidifier working properly.
Using a humidifier will make the heated air feel warmer.

Did you know that slightly humid air actually feels warmer? You may have experienced this on the other hand, on a humid summer night that feels too hot. But in winter, the moisture in the air in your home can make it feel warmer and more cozy! Maybe your kids had humidifiers in the attic when they were kids. Give it a good clean, get a fresh whirlpool 4396841, and start adding wholesome moisture to the air in your home.
Reduces electrostatic shock effects of humidified air.

Use a humidifier to reduce the chances of the dreaded winter static shock effects. No one likes to feel excited after walking across the carpet to turn on a light switch or touch metal. It's a horrible feeling! Interestingly, keeping the moisture in the air with a humidifier reduces this winter living bane.
Use a humidifier this winter to reduce viral infections.

The humidity level in your home even plays a vital role in your overall health. Believe it or not, a cold or flu can be linked to the dry air in your home. If you or someone in your home seems to be catching all the bugs out there over the winter, dry air may be part of the problem. Installing a humidifier in your home and changing your humidifier filter frequently is an inexpensive way to support everyone's health this winter.
Check your humidity levels this winter.

The recommended humidity level for indoor spaces is between 30% and 50%. Humidity levels above 50% provide an ideal breeding ground for mold as well as the growth of dust mites, bacteria and other pests. Not what you want! However, cold and flu viruses are more likely to spread along with other respiratory symptoms if humidity levels are below 30%. Too dry air can also damage your home's foundation and wooden furniture. Also, not a goal.
With these seven steps, you can stay hydrated all winter long. The benefits are self-evident. Fewer ailments, softer skin, sinuses protected from oven-dry air—it's all worth the effort.



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